8月15日收到藏人消息:今天,8月15日,在四川省甘孜州道孚县,灵雀寺僧人次旺诺布(诺果)29岁,在县城呼喊达赖喇嘛万岁、西藏要自由等口 号,抛撒传单,用汽油焚烧自己壮烈牺牲,军警企图抢夺诺果遗体,但在民众的包围下未能得逞。诺果遗体被送往灵雀寺,但该寺现已被军队包围。呼求关注!
8月15日收到藏人消息:2009年2月27日,四川省阿坝州阿坝县格尔登寺24岁僧人扎白自焚被军警枪击致残;2011年3月17日,该寺21 岁僧人平措自焚遭军警毒打而牺牲。2011年8月15日,四川省甘孜州道孚县灵雀寺29岁僧人次旺诺布自焚而牺牲。这三起僧人自焚事件,证明了藏地现实的 残酷。
Monk dies after setting himself on fire in protest in Tibet
15 August 2011
A 29-year-old monk, Tsewang Norbu, also known as Norko, set himself on fire on the Chume Bridge (Ch. Street name Bing He Lu) in the centre of Tawu (Ch.. Daofu), Kandze (Ch. Gandze) Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province at 12:30 pm (Tibet local time) today. He has died as a result of his injuries.
Tsewang Norbu drank petrol, sprayed himself with petrol and then set himself on fire. He was heard calling out: “We Tibetan people want freedom”, “Long live the Dalai Lama” and “Let the Dalai Lama Return to Tibet”. He is believed to have died at the scene.
Tsewang Norbu is from Nyitso Monastery in Tawu. The local community celebrated the Dalai Lama’s birthday in their thousands this year and last, despite China’s strict ban on doing so.