10 月27日,BBC中文网报道“西藏昌都政府大楼被炸弹炸毁”,其中称“在被炸毁的政府建筑的墙上用红字写有‘西藏独立’的标语”。显然此报道的标题过于耸 人听闻。因为其他报道中,说明的是“昌都县嘎玛乡的一处政府建筑发生爆炸”。去过藏地的人都知道,藏地每个乡都不大,乡政府的建筑物也就是简陋的平顶水泥 房,根本没有什么“大楼”。
这 是一个十分蹊跷的爆炸事件。2008年在藏东康地(昌都地区贡觉县相皮乡、昌都地区芒康县)也是有所谓爆炸发生,而且也是抓捕、判刑了许多僧人,事实上却 是当地政府制造的“国会纵火案”,为的是一方面将藏人的和平抗议诬陷为“恐怖活动”,一方面获得升官发财的嘉奖机会,乃其政绩。
Officials Force Monks' Return
Senior leaders of a Tibetan monastery are warned to return or face gunfire.
Chinese authorities in Tibet are forcing the return of monks and nuns to a monastery abandoned following a bomb attack on a government building, warning senior leaders that they could be shot if they fail to heed the order, according to sources in Tibet.
At least 10 of the monks and nuns have been unaccounted for following the Oct. 26 bombing in the Chamdo prefecture of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), which took place in the early morning hours and caused no injuries.
But it brought Chinese security forces into the area in large numbers, leading the monks and nuns of nearby Karma monastery—suspected of involvement in the blast—to flee harassment by government authorities and police.
“On Oct. 30, the authorities called all residents of the Karma area to a meeting and ordered that the monks and nuns who had left return within three days or face arrest,” a Tibetan resident told RFA.
“They said that if the monastery’s senior leaders did not return within two days, they would be shot.”
Armed police then forced their way into retreat centers in nearby areas and made lists of all the monks residing there, the source said.
The rooms of monasteries in neighboring counties like Nangchen were also ransacked and searched, he said.
Detained, unaccounted for
On Nov. 5, senior Nangchen religious leaders Khenpo Lodroe Rabsel and Khenpo Namse Sonam were detained at the remote locations where they had gone into retreat. A layman at nearby Gar monastery was also detained, the source said.
“Karma Norbu and three other monks of Karma monastery were detained and taken away,” the source said, adding that a monk of Karma monastery who was found at nearby Dzigar monastery, also in Chamdo, was also taken away.
Ten or more of the monks and nuns who had left Karma monastery and were later picked up by Chinese forces are unaccounted for, he said.
About 40 monks and nuns have now been returned to Karma monastery, where they are being forced by authorities to attend daily meetings, the source said.
The monastery had been abandoned after security forces and police photographed each monk, took blood samples, and forced them to provide three handwriting samples each, the resident in the area said.
Before they left, the monks and nuns set up a poster in the temple courtyard saying they were fleeing under pressure and that the Chinese should “run the monastery themselves.”
“The keys to the monastery were left behind,” the source said
Reported by RFA’s Tibetan service. Translations by Karma Dorjee. Written in English by Richard Finney.