June 29, 2012 11:20 am
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the monks of Namgyal Monastery during the Avalokiteshvara empowerment in Milan, Italy, on 28 June 2012/Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
MILAN: His Holiness left his hotel early Thursday
morning to have time to undertake the preparatory rituals for the
Avalokiteshvara empowerment he was giving this morning. By the time he
was ready most people had taken their seats in the stadium that was
filled to its 10,000 capacity.
His Holiness began by explaining that there are four
classes of Buddhist tantra and that this empowerment of
Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, belongs to the class of
Action Tantra. All four classes of tantra involve visualising yourself
as a deity and the recitation of mantra and so forth. This is a
specific method that combines the practices of calm abiding and special
insight. Tantrayana is sometimes referred to as Secret Mantra. It is
secret because it is fit for those who have developed the awakening
mind of bodhichitta, while mantra literally means mind protector. We
all have the potential to attain Buddhahood and visualising ourselves
as deities, our speech as mantra and our minds as Dharmakaya is a way
of fulfilling it. In this practice we are trying to transform our
ordinary experience into a transcendental experience.
His Holiness remarked that he received this
empowerment from Tadrag Rinpoche and his Senior Tutor Ling Rinpoche and
that last night he dreamt of Ling Rinpoche.
During the course of the empowerment he gave the lay persons’
upasaka vows, as well the ceremonies for generating the aspiring and
engaging awakening minds of bodhichitta. In addition, he took care to
explain how values and practices found in Buddhism are also to be found
in other religious traditions. An Italian Imam, and several Catholic
monks and nuns had come to attend the empowerment and he suggested ways
in which what he was teaching could be relevant within the context of a
different faith. At the end he advised,“The empowerment is complete, now, if possible serve others and if you find you can’t do that, at least refrain from harming them. Follow your teacher, whoever you consider him to be; the teaching is concerned with being of benefit to others.”
Meeting a gathering of Mongolians and Tibetans resident in Europe he extolled the value of the Tibetan Buddhist culture both peoples share and encouraged them to continue their efforts to preserve it. Addressing the Tibetans in particular he explained how recent changes in his own political status and that of the institution of Dalai Lamas are not because he is downhearted, but for the good of the Tibetan people among whom he has wished to see democracy flourish since he was young.
- Members of the audience during His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Avalokiteshvara empowerment in Milan, Italy, on 28 June 2012/Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
“Dear brothers and sisters, I am extremely happy to meet you and to have this opportunity to share some of my experiences and thoughts – and through your questions I hope to learn some of your concerns. Of course, to begin with I’d like to express my thanks to the organisers here for making such good arrangements. I’d also like to thank the Mayor of Assago for the certificate and key presented to me, which I appreciate as being in recognition of what I am trying to do.
“If we remember that at a fundamental level we are the same, that we all have a right to a happy life, we can understand that there is no difference between us. In this twenty-first century, when we live in such a globalised and interdependent world, our old notions of them and us are no longer relevant. We need instead to think of a great us. The Hawaiians have a marvellous saying ‘Your blood is my blood, your bone is my bone’ meaning that your pain in my pain and your joy is my joy. What this means is that if we must be selfish, it’s much better to be wisely selfish rather than foolishly selfish. In order to derive the maximum benefit the wise thing is take care of others.”
His Holiness repeatedly speaks of his vision for this twenty-first century to be a century of dialogue and today he looked forward to a time when children are so imbued with the idea that problems should be solved that way that they will gently chide their quarrelling parents to sit down and talk it through. Making dialogue the solution depends on having genuine respect for others’ rights, their happiness and their prosperity, after all, he says, we have to live side by side on this planet with our fellow human beings. His conclusion was,
“Whatever you do, take a realistic view and think of the long term interests of humanity. Thank you.”
- The Milano Forum, venue for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teaching and talk in Milan, Italy, on 28 June 2012/Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
His Holiness was scheduled to board a flight back to India on Thursday night.